The Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporate (SDIC) protects your deposits and insurance policies, should a bank or finance/insurance company fail. With the increase in the deposit limit to $100,000 wef April 2024, PROTOCOL was tasked to run a public education campaign. The messaging intention? Simply for them to “rest easy with SDIC.”

With this, we adopted the use of an oversized, larger-than-life, LOUD panic button as our key visual. It’s loud, strident, and seemingly counterintuitive, but it was intentionally so to be visually arresting, as well as communicate the stakes of the campaign. DO NOT PRESS indicates a call-to-inaction, an intentional decision to “keep calm and carry on.”

The “panic button” was then placed at bus stop ads, buses, outdoor display screens, platform station doors at high-traffic MRTs.

A cool implementation we had was the use of a concept train, where we reimagined a “DO NOT PANIC” room with brand messaging strewn across the entirety of a MRT train cabin.

Radio was utilised as well across English & Mandarin stations.

Inspired by the popularity of Hell’s Kitchen & the Bear, we produced a brand film centered around a nervous cook and how he came to learn to Rest Easy with SDIC.

A panic box was distributed to media and KOL, with a customized panic button that tells them “not to panic, rest easy with SDIC” if they do press it.

We also worked with leading celebrities, KOLs and content partners to further amplify the campaign.